This quarter, SHARE lead shareholder engagement with 48 companies on a range of issues including toxic chemicals, sustainable forestry, precarious employment, human rights, sustainable coffee sourcing, executive compensation (‘say on pay’) and sustainability reporting.
Q3 Highlights:
- Talisman Energy, Trican Well Service, and Imperial Oil responded to our request for information on company efforts to protect water resources during hydraulic fracturing.
- Imperial Oil is designing wells to prevent hydrocarbons from migrating to water sources and has plans to drill monitoring wells to gather baseline data and monitor groundwater.
- SHARE provided feedback to Encana Corporation on the information posted on the company’s website since June 2010 regarding hydraulic fracturing.
- A letter was sent to Great West Lifeco inquiring about its plans to improve disclosure of its sustainable paper procurement efforts and adopt a paper procurement policy.
- SHARE provided suggestions for the Yellow Pages Group paper procurement policy in order to fulfill the expectations of investors regarding sustainable forestry best practices.
- SHARE wrote to seven companies on behalf of the Atkinson Foundation highlighting our progress with responsible contracting and procurement practices with Canadian companies.
Download File: Shareholder Engagement Report Q3 2010