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Sisters of Mercy help push Canadian mining giant to abandon operations

The Catholic Register: After years of lobbying by a small community of Catholic sisters from eastern Canada, the world’s largest producer of potash is abandoning mining operations in territory south of Morocco.

“It’s not our place as Canadians to go in and tell other countries how to live or what to do,” said Sisters of Mercy of Newfoundland superior Sr. Elizabeth Davis. “It certainly is our place as Canadians — if we are living or working or present in other countries — to act with justice and to act ethically.”

The Sisters of Mercy is a congregation of about 75 women which ministers in Canada and in Peru, with a focus on alleviating injustice and serving the poor and oppressed, especially women. 

There’s a bit of a myth of this little religious community from Newfoundland and Labrador trying to stand up to two giant multinational corporations,” said Davis. “But once we became members of SHARE we were no longer a little religious community. Now you are talking about millions and millions of dollars being invested by many, many organizations that shared similar values.”

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