It has been another eventful year for SHARE and all of our partners, allies and program participants.
You’ve helped us engage companies on the world’s most pressing issues including climate change and the Just Transition, decent work, gender equality, modern slavery and board accountability. You’ve helped us bring together foundations, Indigenous trusts, religious investors, and pension trustees for educational events and specialized workshops across the country. You’ve helped us work with governments and regulators to develop new corporate accountability measures, actions on climate change, and pension protections. You’ve helped us to hold asset managers accountable for their policies and practices on decent work and to bring together pension trustees and trade union activists from around the world to set the agenda for a sustainable, inclusive and productive economy.
For all of that, we are thankful. Every institution and individual that takes part in SHARE’s work and supports us as clients, affiliates, partners or donors helps our team to do what we do best.
The SHARE offices will be closed between December 24th and January 2nd as our staff take a well-earned rest. We’ll be coming back in the new year with an even more ambitious program of action and we look forward to working with you on delivering it.
Speaking of the new year, if you don’t already have it in your calendar, make sure to book your ticket now for the SHARE Investor Summit 2020, from February 19-21, 2020 in Vancouver. This signature SHARE event will bring together leaders from pension funds, foundations, Indigenous communities, trade unions, faith-based groups, universities, civil society, and investment management firms to forge alliances, address global challenges, design solutions and build a sustainable, inclusive and productive economy.
Along with our collaborating partners (the National Aboriginal Trust Officers Association, the BC Federation of Labour, and Foundation Investing 2.0) we’ll offer workshops, panel discussions and action-oriented investor-focused meetings on the climate crisis, Indigenous reconciliation, asset manager accountability, and the future of work. You can learn more about it and register at
We believe the discussions at this one-of-a-kind event will have an impact on the Canadian responsible investing landscape for years to come. We hope to see you there.
On behalf of all of us at SHARE, we wish you a wonderful holiday season and a Happy New Year!