Canadian investors call for transparency from companies on slavery in global supply chains

October 16, 2018

The Parliamentary Subcommittee on Human Rights released a report this week recommending businesses disclose child labour and forced labour

Toronto, ON, October 17, 2018 – Canadian investors support the recommendation of a Parliamentary report released this week calling for legislation to ensure businesses disclose steps they are taking to address child labour and forced labour in global supply chains, according to the Shareholder Association for Research and Education (SHARE), the leading investor voice on human rights and responsible investment in Canada.

“No investor wants to be associated with egregious human rights abuses like forced or child labour. An effective and fair regulatory regime helps promote the kind of responsible business practices that de-risk investments and promote positive growth for investors,” says Delaney Greig, Manager of Engagement and Policy at SHARE. “When it’s coupled with clear public disclosure requirements, investors are better able to play their part in ending human rights abuses in global supply chains.”

The Subcommittee on International Human Rights presented their report to the House of Commons in Ottawa on October 15, 2018. A Call to Action: Ending the Use of All Forms of Child Labour in Supply Chains offers seven recommendations, such as developing incentives for businesses to thoroughly and continually monitor their supply chains for the use of child labour and forced labour, and to share best practices.

It also recommends the Government of Canada develop legislative and policy initiatives that require transparency and motivate businesses to eliminate the use of any form of child labour in their global supply chain, similar to legislation in other jurisdictions such as the U.K.’s Modern Slavery Act and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act.

“SHARE welcomes the report from the Parliamentary Subcommittee on Human Rights. We are asking the Government of Canada to get in step with global peers to develop an effective, consistent and responsive system for human rights due diligence to protect our interests both as citizens and as investors,” she said.

Read the full report by the Subcommittee on International Human Rights here:

A Call to Action: Ending the Use of All Forms of Child Labour in Supply Chains

Notes for Editors

Interviews available with Delaney Greig, Manager of Engagement and Policy, 416.306.6463 or

For more information, contact Damon van der Linde, 604.695.2039 or

About SHARE (Shareholder Association for Research & Education)

SHARE is the leading investor voice on human rights and responsible investment in Canada, representing a growing network of institutional investors with more than $23 billion in assets under management. Since its creation as a non-profit organization in 2000, SHARE has provided proxy voting analysis, shareholder engagement, education, policy advocacy, and practical research on issues related to responsible investment. SHARE’s clients include pension funds, mutual funds, foundations, faith-based organizations and asset managers across Canada. / @share_ca

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