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University Pension Plan teams up with SHARE to advance ESG agenda through engagement
July 7, 2021 – The University Pension Plan (UPP) has selected SHARE as an engagement provider. Through SHARE, the Plan will engage public companies in its investment portfolios on an ambitious agenda to advance climate action, reconciliation and human rights. The Plan will join...
Read More2021-05-12
Press Release: TMX Group Limited shareholders vote in favour of company-supported shareholder proposal on Indigenous inclusion
Historic support for shareholder proposal on Indigenous inclusion cultivates meaningful, transparent action on reconciliation in the financial sector May 12, 2021 – Shareholders of TMX Group Ltd. voted overwhelmingly to support a resolution on Indigenous inclusion and reconciliation at the company’s annual and...
Read More2021-04-22
TMX management joins Canadian businesses committing to Indigenous economic empowerment
Following productive dialogue with the company, we are pleased to announce that the board of directors of the TMX Group has agreed to jointly support a resolution on reconciliation and Indigenous relations filed by SHARE on behalf of the Atkinson Foundation.
Read More2021-04-19
SHARE CEO Kevin Thomas takes top honour at Clean50 Awards
For his work mobilizing investors to advocate for a sustainable economy as CEO of SHARE, Kevin Thomas is being recognized as an industry leader by the 2021 Clean50 Awards.
Read More2021-03-24
SHARE CEO Commentary on Ontario Budget
SHARE CEO Kevin Thomas responded to today’s Ontario budget announcements on markets modernization, an inclusive Ontario economy and new Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) disclosures.
Read More2021-03-11
New research finds corporate Canada dragging its feet in disclosing progress on reconciliation
New research by the Reconciliation and Responsible Investment Initiative suggests that corporate Canada is slow to recognize the value of tracking and reporting on Indigenous relations and reconciliation.
Read More2021-02-18
UNIE unites Canadian universities as investors to help address the climate crisis
A coalition of Canadian university endowments and pension plans is launching a new initiative through SHARE, a non-profit investor advocacy organization, investee corporations on climate change risks.
Read More2020-09-25
Indigenous legal orders provide an important basis for the effective stewardship of Indigenous wealth, according to new report by Dr. John Borrows
New research explores the legal concept of fiduciary duty through Indigenous legal perspectives. The paper concludes that Indigenous laws can help decision-makers align their investments with their community values.
Read More2020-09-23
SHARE CEO comments on final SEC rules governing shareholder proposals
In response to the US Securities Exchange Commission finalizing its proposed changes to the rules today governing the submission of shareholder proposals, Kevin Thomas, CEO of SHARE, made a number of comments.
Read More2020-08-06
Complex energy and mining investment chains may hide Indigenous rights risks
Energy and Mining Investment: Assessing Accountability for Indigenous Rights in Complex Investment Chains explores how investors can assess the degree to which accountability for Indigenous peoples’ right to Free Prior and Informed Consent is addressed in project and corporate decision-making.
Read More2020-07-21
SHARE and NATOA welcome the Edmonton CFL team’s announcement of a name change
SHARE and NATOA welcome today’s announcement from the CFL Edmonton franchise of its decision to retire its team name. The abandonment of the use of an Indigenous moniker is a positive step to advancing reconciliation and respectful relations with Indigenous peoples.
Read More2020-06-09
Reconciliation and Responsible Investment Initiative wins 2020 RIA Market Education Award
This innovative project mobilizes institutional investors as allies with Indigenous peoples to use their capital and their voices to promote positive economic outcomes for Indigenous peoples.
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