Religious Investors Online Meeting
Canadian religious institutions gather to hear presentations and exchange experiences on bringing a faith perspective to investment. Discussions include a look ahead to the 2024 proxy season, sharing experiences from the Fiera manager engagement and new developments on impact investing.
View PageFrom Advocacy to Action: The role of investors in climate policy
In this cross-network webinar on climate policy advocacy and the role of investors, hear from members of the SHARE investor community about their experiences with advocacy and how to move the needle on key climate issues.
View PageDollarama Inc. Shareholder Proposal #3, Adoption of Net Zero Targets
This proposal asks for the adoption interim- and long-term. science-based greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets. This brief addresses the response by the corporation in Dollarama’s 2023 Management Proxy Circular and the analysis of proxy advisory firms.
View PDFState of the Sector
REITs, ESG Disclosures and the Human Right to Housing
Our latest report proposes a set of recommended ESG disclosures for Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT. If adopted, REITs could provide the data that would allow investors to identify, manage, prevent and/or mitigate adverse impacts related to the human right to adequate housing in their residential portfolios.
View PDFAsset Manager Questionnaire
SHARE has worked with a group of clients to develop a common questionnaire to assess asset managers’ ESG performance. We invite any asset owner to use the questions to facilitate deeper and effective discussions with your service providers on key ESG concerns.
View PDFProxy Alert: Shareholder Proposal on 1.5 Degree-Aligned Greenhouse Gas Targets at Dollarama Inc.
Dollarama Inc lacks targets or clear plans in reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. SHARE recommends a vote FOR the proposal of adopting net zero targets.
View PDFRebuttal of Amazon’s Opposition Statement to the Proposal Requesting a Third-Party Assessment of Adherence to Labour Rights Commitments
This document is the response to Amazon’s opposition statement to the proposal requesting a third-party assessment of their adherence to their labour rights commitments.
View PDFFAQ: Labour Rights at Inc
This document offers answers to frequently asked questions about freedom of association and collective bargaining. While it uses Amazon as an example, the answers apply to all companies that abide by the international labor standards discussed.
View PDFExempt Solicitation: Freedom of Association at Inc.
In the face of unionization efforts at Amazon, Proponents are concerned that Amazon’s conduct contradicts its stated commitment to freedom of association and collective bargaining. In response, investors have filed a shareholder proposal requesting a third-party assessment.
View PDFL’intendance de l’investisseur moteur du changement
Notre approche est unique et efficace. Notre programme d’engagementactionnarial, qui fait partie intégrantedu travail de SHARE, donne aux investisseursinstitutionnels les moyens dedevenir des actionnaires engagés.
View PDFProxy Alert: Advisory resolution on approach to executive compensation (Say on Pay) at Loblaw
Loblaw Companies increased total compensation for its Principal Executive Officer and largest shareholder, Galen Weston, by 55% in 2022, bringing his total annual compensation to 340 times that of a front-line grocery worker. SHARE recommends voting AGAINST.
View PDF2023 Shareholder Engagement Snapshot
Learn more about our shareholder engagement priorities for the 2023-24 calendar year, including climate, reconciliation and decent work.
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