Valoriser le travail décent: Évaluation de la performance des entreprises canadiennes de fabrication des biens de consummation
Ce rapport analyse les rapports publics de dix entreprises de fabrication dans cinq domaines de la gestion de la main-d’œuvre qui sont importants pour les investisseurs.
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Comments on the Ontario Security Commissioner’s 2019-20 Draft Statement of Priorities
SHARE offers comments and recommendations regarding the OSC’s Draft Statement of Priorities on promoting confidence in Ontario’s capital markets, reducing regulatory burden and strengthening our organizational foundation.
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SHARE 2017 Annual Report
Don’t miss our annual report outlining our efforts and accomplishments in 2017 towards achieving our vision of a more sustainable, inclusive and productive economy.
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Gender Diversity at Alberta-incorporated companies on the TSX Composite Index
Following on our 2017 report “Off the Ballot”, SHARE reviewed the most recent annual data on board and executive level diversity at every company on the TSX Composite Index, and found that Alberta-incorporated companies continue to lag their peers on average on gender diversity. We note that outdated Alberta corporate laws that restrict shareholder proposals limit the ability of institutional investors to press for change.
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SHARE Lignes directrices vote par procuration 2019
SHARE provides comprehensive model guidelines to help institutional investors expand their own voting guidance, particularly on environmental and social issues. SHARE’s proxy voting guidelines incorporate international conventions and standards including the United Nations Global Compact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the ILO Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, CDP and GRI.
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SHARE 2018 Engagement Snapshot
See where SHARE’s engagement team will be focusing its efforts in 2016 including our priority issues and focus companies.
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Trustee Guidance on Decent Work
This guide is a product of the VALUING DECENT WORK INITIATIVE – a joint initiative of SHARE and the Atkinson Foundation. We are increasing the visibility of decent work as an important investment consideration in capital markets and mobilizing investors to advocate for robust decent work policies and practices in investee companies.
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Valoriser le travail décent: un guide pour les investisseurs
Nous augmentons la visibilité du travail décent comme facteur d’investissement important dans les marchés de capitaux et nous mobilisons les investisseurs dans la défense de politiques et de bonnes pratiques de travail décent dans les sociétés
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Canada’s lobbyist registries: What can they tell investors about corporate lobbying?
This briefing note rates federal and provincial lobbyist registries against a series of transparency measures in order to determine how effective current public registries are in providing disclosure of corporate lobbying. It includes five key recommendations to enhance the transparency and usefulness of lobbyist registries in Canada.
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Fiduciary Duty in the 21st Century: Canadian pension regulation analysis – Alberta
This report, co-published by SHARE and the UNPRI, provides an international analysis of pension regulation to support the Alberta Treasury Board and Finance (ATBF) in updating regulation and guidance on environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosure. The report demonstrates how ESG disclosure requirements, if enacted in Alberta, would support the government’s stated policy priorities.
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Is Canadian trade association lobbying aligned with Canada’s Paris Agreements commitments?
This briefing note examines arguments made by over 20 Canadian trade associations representing publicly-traded companies that actively lobby on climate change issues, and provides a set of questions that member companies and their shareholders can raise to ensure greater clarity as the climate policy debate continues.
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Submission to the Canadian Securities Administrators’ Climate Change Disclosure Project
SHARE and Addenda Capital wrote to the CSA to provide input into their consultation on climate change disclosures. Comments included ways in which investors are using climate-related disclosures as well as what is needed to better assess and mitigate climate-related risks in investment portfolios.
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