Committee on Workers’ Capital

An international labour union network for dialogue and action on the responsible investment of workers capital.


countries engaged

in dialogue and action on the responsible investment of workers capital



including labour activists and asset owner board members




in private pension assets

in OECD countries, representing an average asset-to-GDP ratio of 49.6 percent

Understanding the Power of Workers’ Capital

Workers’ capital refers to workers’ deferred retirement savings, as accumulated in collective funds such as pension plans, strike funds and benefit plans. Through this capital, workers are the indirect owners of a substantial portion of the world’s equities.

The CWC connects labour activists and asset owner board members through collaborative action and knowledge sharing in the field of workers’ capital. It is a joint initiative of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the Global Unions Federations (GUFs) and the Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD (TUAC).

The CWC supports both unions and worker-nominated, asset owner board members in upholding workers’ rights when workers’ capital is invested in global markets.

The CWC Workers’ Capital Conference

The annual conference provides a collaborative space for trade union representatives and labour-nominated trustees to discuss strategies and perspectives on elevating fundamental labour rights in the investment chain. Registration is exclusive to participants who are affiliated with a trade union.

Click below to find out more about the next CWC Workers’ Capital Conference.

Discover the CWC

Interested in the CWC and exploring its diverse research and publications? Visit the CWC microsite to learn more.

Resources from the CWC

Baseline Expectations for Asset Managers on Fundamental Labour Rights

How can pension funds, foundations and religious investors connect with asset managers to ensure their workers’ capital is being stewarded to progress workers’ rights? This framework draws from international labour and human rights documents to guide expectations and good practices.

Shared Prosperity: The Investor Case for Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

“Shared Prosperity” outlines how the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises (MNEs) establish investors’ responsibilities to uphold human rights, including fundamental labour rights.

Asset Manager Accountability Reports

The CWC analyses the policy interventions, shareholder engagements, proxy voting records and stewardship practices in alternative investment portfolios of large global asset managers. We convene asset owner board members who are clients of these managers in meetings to elevate labour issues.

Company Engagement

The CWC conducts research, coordinates investor initiatives on sustainability issues and encourages a community of practice among trade union trustees engaging companies on responsible investment issues.

Meet the Secretariat

The CWC’s work is led by a Leadership Team of trade union leaders from North America, Australia and Europe, as well as the Chair and Co-Chairs of the Networked Secretariat. This work is further supported by the CWC Secretariat, which is based out of SHARE.

Hugues Létourneau

Director, Investor Leadership


Hugues joined the SHARE team in 2013, and currently directs the Global Unions Committee on Workers’ Capital (CWC), whose Secretariat is based at SHARE. In this role, he works with trade unions and trade union-nominated pension board members to drive strong, responsible investment policies that have an impact on the ground. He is also a member of the Shareholder Engagement team and a lead corporate researcher for international clients.

Hugues has successfully completed the level II exam of the CFA Program. He holds a Master of Arts degree in International Affairs from the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs, and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Toronto.

He is a contributing author to the Routledge Handbook on Responsible Investment (2015), with research focusing on responsible investing at the world’s largest government-sponsored investment funds. Prior to joining SHARE, Hugues worked at the Library of Parliament and the Mission of Canada to the European Union. He was also a research assistant at the North South Institute and the Carleton Centre for Community Innovation.

Tamara Herman

Associate Director, Investor Leadership



Tamara joined the SHARE team in 2016, and has consistently worked with the Global Unions Committee on Workers’ Capital (CWC) and Canadian Capital Stewardship Network (CCSN), providing support to trade unions and their pension decision-makers on issues related to workers’ capital stewardship and responsible investment. She is also a member of SHARE’s Responsible Investment Leadership Team.

Prior to joining SHARE, Tamara worked nationally and internationally on environmental and social issues. Her experience includes working on social policy at the Carnegie Community Action Project and the Vancouver Island Public Interest Research Group, as well as trade and human rights issues at Rights & Democracy.

Tamara holds a Master’s degree in Studies in Policy and Practice from the University of Victoria, where her research focused on mining, corporate social responsibility and land acquisition in Mexico. Tamara has completed the Canadian Securities Institute/Moody’s Analytics Learning Solutions’ Canadian Securities Course.

Zaee Deshpande

Senior Program Officer, Investor Leadership


Zaee joined SHARE in November 2021 and previously held the role of Program Officer with the Global Unions’ Committee on Workers’ Capital (CWC).

Before joining SHARE, she worked at Lancaster House, supporting their conferences on labour, human rights, and employment law.

Zaee holds a Master’s degree in Political Economy from Carleton University and a Bachelor in Political Science from the University of Waterloo. She has also completed the Labour Relations Certificate from Toronto Metropolitan University.

Shalini Ramgoolam

Manager, Investor Leadership



Shalini joined SHARE in May 2019 and previously held the position of Program Officer in support of the Responsible Investment Leadership program, specifically the Canadian Capital Stewardship Network (CCSN) and the Committee on Workers’ Capital (CWC). She is also a member of the shareholder engagement team and supports corporate research for clients.

Prior to joining SHARE, Shalini held various positions within the Government of Canada on international trade and human rights issues. She has supported stakeholder engagement and policy development for Global Affairs Canada, Public Safety Canada, and the Privy Office of Canada.

Shalini holds a Master’s degree in Public Policy from the University of Toronto and a Bachelor of Social Science from the University of Ottawa with a specialization in Conflict Studies and Human Rights.