How are your proxies being voted?
Our proxy audit tool helps investment committees and trustee boards monitor and manage how your proxies are voted, including how votes are cast on priority issues like director elections, climate change, workplace safety, board diversity and executive compensation.
This tool can you help you make the most of a valuable asset, cut through the details to get the big picture, zero in on key metrics, compare manager voting performance, and benchmark your voting.

Better Understand Your Voting Power
Am I voting with an independent voice?
How often your managers vote for or against corporate managements’ recommendations on ballot items is summarized by category.
What am I voting for and against?
Voting results are broken down to show each manager’s level of support for key corporate and shareholder ballot items.
Am I voting consistently?
When two or more managers hold the same company, you will find out if you speak with one voice or cancel yourself out.
How does my voting compare?
Your votes will be benchmarked against a governance leader and against the actual vote results.