Ensuring International Respect for Human Rights
Our efforts to improve corporate human rights practices has included working on sweatshop working conditions in the global fashion industry, addressing forced child labour in the cotton fields of Uzbekistan, standardizing free prior and informed consent of Indigenous communities in mining operations and mineral extraction for electronic manufacturing.
SHARE’s documented investor expectations on human rights performance outline both the systems and processes companies should have in place to ensure respect for human rights, and the performance outcomes they seek to achieve from these processes. We will also seek information on how human rights are taken into consideration in business relationships, such as mergers, acquisitions and joint ventures.

SHARE’s human rights dialogues draw on the conventions, norms and standards of practice of the United Nations, and other international organizations, to promote corporate accountability, respect for the rule of law, and adherence to internationally-agreed upon human rights and labour standards.

Changing the Rules
Forced labour permeates global supply chains of commodities, goods and services. SHARE works with clients to activate their shareholder power to address the presence of modern slavery in systems of production.
Through client engagements with global garment brands, SHARE has helped mobilize support for the International Accord for Health and Safety, and move the needle on critical shareholder proposals.

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