Aligning Compensation: An investor brief on fair pay and income inequality

More attention needs to be paid to ensuring corporations recognize and reward the value provided by rest of the workforce. This report looks at ways to elevate the place of the workforce within listed corporations so that boards, executives and investors begin to value decent work.

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SHARE Model Proxy Voting Guidelines 2018

SHARE provides comprehensive model guidelines to help institutional investors expand their own voting guidance, particularly on environmental and social issues. SHARE’s proxy voting guidelines incorporate international conventions and standards including the United Nations Global compact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the ILO Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and rights at Work, CDP and GRI.

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Policy submission on proposed Bill 4, Cap and Trade Cancellation Act, 2018 as posted by the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks on September 11, 2018

SHARE would like to offer comments and recommendations regarding Ontario’s proposed Cap and Trade Cancellation Act. As long-term institutional investors, SHARE and our clients are taking action to address climate risks and opportunities in our portfolios and seeking ways to shift capital towards the low-carbon transition. In order to limit the threat of severe, widespread and irreversible impacts, as well as pave the way for a sustainable and prosperous future, there is an urgent need for Ontario to reduce GHG emissions and transition to a low-carbon economy.

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SHARE Lignes directrices vote par procuration 2018

SHARE provides comprehensive model guidelines to help institutional investors expand their own voting guidance, particularly on environmental and social issues. SHARE’s proxy voting guidelines incorporate international conventions and standards including the United Nations Global Compact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the ILO Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, CDP and GRI.

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Climate voting by large Canadian investors 2016-2017

This study was commissioned by the Commonwealth Climate Law Initiative to catalog and describe climate-related shareholder proposals, climate voting records of major Canadian institutional investors, and climate change engagement activity.

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Valuing Decent Work: How do Canadian consumer manufacturing companies measure up?

This report analyzes the public reporting of ten consumer manufacturing companies in five areas of workforce management that are important to investors. The analysis identifies some gaps in the current disclosure and areas where companies can improve their reporting, particularly for disclosure related to workforce issues in the supply chain, workforce stability measures such as turnover and internal promotion rates and finally more information on the composition of the workforce, such as the number of workers employed through temporary agencies.

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Investor statement on Supply Chain Modern Slavery Legislation in Canada

A statement from a group of 129 Canadian and global institutional investors with $2.3 trillion assets under management urging the Government of Canada to enact legislation to help identify and eliminate forced labour and child labour in supply chains through effective company due diligence and disclosure.

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Valoriser le travail décent: Évaluation de la performance des entreprises canadiennes de fabrication des biens de consummation

Ce rapport analyse les rapports publics de dix entreprises de fabrication dans cinq domaines de la gestion de la main-d’œuvre qui sont importants pour les investisseurs.

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Comments on the Ontario Security Commissioner’s 2019-20 Draft Statement of Priorities

SHARE offers comments and recommendations regarding the OSC’s Draft Statement of Priorities on promoting confidence in Ontario’s capital markets, reducing regulatory burden and strengthening our organizational foundation.

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SHARE 2017 Annual Report

Don’t miss our annual report outlining our efforts and accomplishments in 2017 towards achieving our vision of a more sustainable, inclusive and productive economy.

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Gender Diversity at Alberta-incorporated companies on the TSX Composite Index

Following on our 2017 report “Off the Ballot”, SHARE reviewed the most recent annual data on board and executive level diversity at every company on the TSX Composite Index, and found that Alberta-incorporated companies continue to lag their peers on average on gender diversity. We note that outdated Alberta corporate laws that restrict shareholder proposals limit the ability of institutional investors to press for change.

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SHARE Lignes directrices vote par procuration 2019

SHARE provides comprehensive model guidelines to help institutional investors expand their own voting guidance, particularly on environmental and social issues. SHARE’s proxy voting guidelines incorporate international conventions and standards including the United Nations Global Compact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the ILO Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, CDP and GRI.

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