CEO’s Letter

Acting throughout the investment chain

Someone told me recently that in other countries, there are often many organizations doing similar work to what we at SHARE do in Canada and globally.

Those organizations might advise and support asset owners; conduct shareholder engagements; co-ordinate networks; carry out cutting-edge research; educate and evaluate; work with policymakers and regulators; or support grassroots organizations in bringing forward issues that investors need to know more about.

But unlike SHARE, none of those other organizations bring all that work together under one roof.

We also do those things at every step in the investment chain, so that the ambitions of asset owners are reflected and acted upon by all the intermediaries that make up the responsible investment ecosystem to result in real-world impacts.

Heading into the coming fiscal year, we remain committed to our mission of mobilizing investor capital to create a more sustainable, inclusive and productive economy. These are not just buzzwords or a catchy slogan; those three pillars of our mission form the basis for everything we do, keeping us focused on what matters as we try to create lasting and meaningful change.


An overview of what we did over the past 18 months to support and move towards a more sustainable, inclusive and productive economy

Sustainable Economy

SHARE is focused on mobilizing investors and other financial market actors to produce environmental outcomes in the real economy.

Over the past 18 months, our actions  to build a more sustainable economy have included…

Working with asset owners to accelerate the energy transition

SHARE works with a growing number of asset-owner boards and staff to develop Investor Climate Action Plans (ICAPs).

Holding issuers accountable for their own climate plans

SHARE published a groundbreaking report identifying standards for Corporate Climate Action Plans (CAPs).

Inclusive Economy

SHARE is focused on helping to develop the means for marginalized communities to create and exert economic power and have a say in financial decisions that affect them.

In the period covered by this report, supporting an inclusive economy meant…

Bringing investors together to advance racial equity

The Investors for Racial Equity community of practice helped investors align their portfolios with their values and commitments to advance racial equity.

Producing actionable research

SHARE’s investor brief, “Racial equity on the shareholder ballot in 2023,” highlights the strength of investor calls for corporate action to address justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Productive Economy

SHARE focuses on building a comprehensive approach for investment decision-makers to address systemic economic inequality and generate a more productive economy for all.

Here are some concrete actions we took in the past 18 months to build a more productive economy…

Amplifying workers’ rights campaigns

One of the most exciting projects we helped launch last year — is the Labour Rights Investor Network, an initiative of the SHARE-hosted Committee on Workers’ Capital (CWC).

Policy advocacy and corporate governance

On the policy front, SHARE worked with businesses, parliamentarians and others in a successful effort to encourage passage of Canada’s Modern Slavery Act (Bill S211).

Bringing it all together

Looking back on the things SHARE and our amazing network partners have accomplished in the past 18 months fills us with excitement for the year ahead.

We’re also energized each year by the challenging, inspiring conversations that happen at our annual Investor Summit in Vancouver.

Next year’s event takes place on March 5-6, 2025. Save the date now by clicking the button below!

Thank you for joining us in this important work.


The SHARE team

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SHARE Annual Report 2023-2024