SHARE Annual Report 2016

SHARE’s organization-wide annual report outlines our activities and achievements over 2016. The report highlights our work in the areas of climate change, political spending, decent work and building sustainable capital markets.2015.

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The Rise of Supply Chain Transparency Legislation: What is at stake for Canadian investors?

Canada’s regulatory framework for human rights due diligence in global supply chains lags that of other jurisdictions, and that’s a concern for Canadian institutional investors. This report reviews supply chain transparency legislation around the world and argues that similar federal legislation here in Canada could be beneficial to investors if properly crafted.

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SHARE Lignes directrices vote par procuration 2017

SHARE provides comprehensive model guidelines to help institutional investors expand their own voting guidance, particularly on environmental and social issues. SHARE’s proxy voting guidelines incorporate international conventions and standards including the United Nations Global Compact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the ILO Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, CDP and GRI.

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SHARE Model Proxy Voting Guidelines 2017

SHARE provides comprehensive model guidelines to help institutional investors expand their own voting guidance, particularly on environmental and social issues. SHARE’s proxy voting guidelines incorporate international conventions and standards including the United Nations Global Compact, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the ILO Declaration on the Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, CDP and GRI.

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Taking Climate on Board: Are Canadian energy and utilities company boards equipped to address climate change? 

Despite growing attention to the physical, financial and regulatory impacts of global climate change, this report finds that companies in Canada’s most carbon-intensive sectors are not demonstrating “climate competency” in the boardroom.

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Submission to the Department of Finance Canada – Financial Institutions Divisions

SHARE provided input on the Interim Report, Supporting a Strong and Growing Economy: Positioning Canada’s Financial Sector for the Future. SHARE’s comments focused on opportunities for the Canadian government to use this review to more closely align Canada’s financial sector with sustainability.

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Valuing Decent Work: How do retail companies measure up?

This report reveals that Canadian retail companies lag behind their global peers in their disclosure of decent work metrics. It identifies the important role investors can play in seeking improved corporate disclosure of this information through engagement with retail companies in their portfolios.

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Submission to the Changing Workplaces Review (CWR)

SHARE provided comments on the Changing Workplaces Review: Special Advisors’ Interim Report and highlighted the importance of greater transparency from companies on their approaches to workplace policies and practices.

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Étude de cas: évaluation de la performance des entreprises canadiennes de commerce au détail

Ce rapport examine ce que les entreprises du commerce au détail au Canada divulguent au public concernant leurs politiques et leurs pratiques dans le milieu de travail.

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Submission to Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA)

SHARE asked the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA) to revise its Pension Plan Governance guidelines and related documents to better guide pension administrators on the integration of environmental, social and governance matters in investment decision-making.

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Comment to the Ontario Securities Commission’s 2016-17 Draft Statement of Priorities

SHARE commented on the Ontario Securities Commission’s (OSC) 2016-17 Draft Statement of Priorities, urging the Commission to consult with stakeholders regarding adoption of regulations requiring issuers to hold an annual “say on pay” vote, to enhance its systemic risk oversight with regard to climate change, to update guidance to issuers on disclosure of environmental considerations, and to consider whether additional diversity measures such as Aboriginal heritage should form part of future board and senior executive diversity disclosure requirements.

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SHARE Roundtable: Barriers and Opportunities to the Integration of Responsible Investment by Pension Boards

This Roundtable provided a forum for academics, pension trustees and practitioners to exchange knowledge and ideas about the relationship between investment decision-making at the portfolio level and at the broader systems level.

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