Union and Trustee Roundtable: Responsible Investment in Rental Housing


There are few tools to guide investors in navigating environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations related to the human right to adequate housing in the housing sector. The Shareholder Association for Research and Education (SHARE) had developed a draft set of principles and an implementation framework for responsible investment in housing.

The Religious Investors Online Meeting

Join us for a religious investor online meeting on October 31 Canadian religious institutions will gather for a 90-minute online meeting to hear presentations and exchange experiences as we strive […]

Labour Rights Investor Network: an introductory webinar

Investors have three reasons to advance their stewardship of labour rights. First, labour rights are human rights and investors have responsibilities to respect these rights in their investment and stewardship […]

Proxy Season 2024: Which ESG votes are key for investors? (Webinar)


Join us as we delve into a selection of key proxy votes curated by SHARE, and critical to Canadian investors during the 2024 AGM season. This webinar will cover shareholder votes on climate action, racial equity and labour rights at Canadian companies or filed by Canadian investors.